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Old 10-07-2008, 06:32 AM   #31
Dojo: Shobu Aikido of Connecticut
Location: East Haven, CT
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 1,402
Re: Did O'Sensei teach any other martial art?

I have a bit of trouble believing that Jesus would be all that thrilled with what has become of Christianity. I have pretty much the same trouble believing that O-sensei would be all that thrilled with what has become of aikido. I would further suppose that there are many scientists today and many famous scientists of the past who would not be all that thrilled with what has become of science today either.

But I do think the "followers" of the all of these have religious beliefs with an un-shakeable "faith" despite any and all evidence. There also seems to be a direct correlation with the amount of money some of the "questionable" yet "unquestionable" beliefs bring in with the amount of un-shakable-ness in those core beliefs.

Follow the Shoe! No follow the gourd!

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