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Old 09-24-2008, 03:24 PM   #290
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 950
Re: Defending Against Grappler Using Aikido

Flawed, naw more like I implied it. Perhaps I should have put in proper. I agree. You just can't get any one who says they have Bjj or grappling experience if you really are serious about taking on a grappler. You have to train up against the best, those who are top end competitors the pros and not the amateurs. Otherwise your only as good as your training. Your only as good as what you trained against. Yea, too many people research then lecture subtituting that for hands-on experience. I guess it is easier to get credibility talking about it.

I agree you need to know a grapplers game is, but not necessary. See it goes along the same lines as you need to read your attacker. You don't know what any one who attacks you is capable of skilled at before the attack. You have that luxury in sport fighting.

You can study your opponent's past fight and fighting strengths and weaknesses prior to a sport fight, that isn't a luxury on the street. On the street you don't know who you are dealing with and sometimes the ones that aren't trained in anything can be the most unpredictable and thus the most dangerous.
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