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Old 09-24-2008, 06:05 AM   #286
makuchg's Avatar
Dojo: FL Aikido Center
Location: Spring Hill, FL
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 84
Re: Defending Against Grappler Using Aikido

I think the reason this conversation continues is because there is never going to be an answer. The original question posed is aikido against a grappler...this is a very open question and IMO the answer is yes and no and maybe. It depends on the fighters. Miyamoto Mushashi, a revered swordsman, studied cane and bo and chain weapons not so he could use them, but so he could defend against them with his sword.

If you want to know if YOUR aikido works against a grappler, find a grappler and try. If you determine there are weaknesses, study the weaknesses so you can use your base system to defend against them. Trying to learn multiple systems can be daunting, but if you use Aikido (assuming its your primary art) as a base for foot work, centering, blending, and entering; then learning how other arts attack or enter, you can apply our aiki principles to the defense.

If you are a grappler and never learn to strike or effectively deal with strikers you are going to be unprepared to deal with this offense in a situation. Every MMA fighter I have seen and know, has a base system, whether it is kick boxing, wrestling, or even aikido (DeLuca) who learn how other fighting systems apply their techniques in order to make their base system effective against them.

I like Kevin's line from earlier in this BJJ is Aiki.


Gregory Makuch
Wandering Ronin
Spring Hill, FL
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