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Old 09-10-2008, 09:14 AM   #57
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Why isn't this showing Aikido as effective?

Michael Fooks wrote: View Post
I will say though that the BJJ move known as omoplatata is pretty much an aikidoesque pin - the key difference being that it is done with your legs pinning their shoulder, not your arms - which in actual fact frees the arms up to control the hips and prevent the rollout.
I will say though that the BJJ move known as omoplatata is pretty much a daito-esque pin more in line with imobilizing the shoulder with your bodyweight (through the leg intitially but "fixing it" in place with body weight transfer) where the person cannot change his postion to undo it.
Where as in many aikido stand-up locks the body is not based, therefore most can be reversed with relative ease. So as a cogent strategy I wouldn't see an aikido connection in it at all.
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