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Old 09-09-2008, 04:27 PM   #82
Ron Tisdale
Dojo: Doshinkan dojo in Roxborough, Pa
Location: Phila. Pa
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 4,615
Re: The continued Evolution of Aikido

William Hazen wrote: View Post
Perhaps... That is if you consider Aiki a basic operating system of Aikido or something Ueshiba learned quickly and simply from Takada. If that is so then why did such a "simple thing" as Aiki die with him when he transmitted his Aikido to hundreds of students? And how is it Aikido continues to flourish despite the lack of Aiki? Where are Ueshiba's specific instructions to learn Aiki as the sole basis to understand Aikido.
I don't think he learned it quickly or easily. He spent a minimum of 5 intense years...after his first meeting with Takeda on the mat Ueshiba was on the floor weeping. That doesn't sound easy to me. Many things can flourish even if they are a shadow of what came before...people find amazing ways to delude themselves. Me too...

Ueshiba was not so well known for specifc instructions...which would go against the general idea of budo in anycase. Steal it if you can.

Personally I think most of this controversy is artificial at best.
Of course it is! That is why when most people feel what these guys are talking about, there really isn''t any debate.

This circular argument does not fit with most major religious and or spiritual tenets that I am aware of except maybe Bushido and some crazed German Philosophers.
Well, I don't think it is circular, and I don't care personally what it agrees with. To me, it's pretty simple. I cannot logically show mercy to someone that has any meaning unless I have the ability to not be merciful. That is when showing mercy becomes a viable choice, rather than something I am left with as an after thought. See the other thread just now about Ghandi.

Like Roshi put it once Does a puppy dog have to learn how to kill before it can truly be a puppy?
Sorry, you lost me completely on this one. Now, if you said does a wolf have to learn how to kill to become a least I'd understand what you are getting at. Puppies are puppies...and wolves are wolves.

And the Carpenter...(to paraphrase) To enter the kingdom of heaven one must have the spirit of a child.
Sorry again, not qualified to speak on that.

The Philosophy of Aikido is to practice the art of being a puppy dog even if possible with your enemies. But more importantly with yourself. I already know how to hurt people.
It is??? got a quote for that? In 15 years of aikido (or more) I've never heard that once. Not from any shihan.

Perhaps I did not put this in the proper context. Let me try this...Superior Skill (or Technology) does not exactly "evolve" into a higher capacity for mercy in general. Takada was not known for mercy but Ueshiba was...
No, but the OPPORTUNITY for meaningfull mercy does come from having the power to be otherwise. Takeda may not have used that opportunity, while Ueshiba did use that opportunity. If we are to believe all the stories of both men. Some might take exception to that characterization of Takeda.


Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)