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Old 09-09-2008, 11:38 AM   #7
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: How Long and What Teaching?

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
Ueshiba: 1915-1919 and he started teaching. Was being regarded as strong. He only got better. Never any long time frames of training with Takeda.

Tomiki: 1925-1936 and he started teaching ... in Manchuria.

Shioda: 1932-1937 and then sent to China. Supposedly trained on and off for about ten years.


Why did it take them so few years to become good?
Because once you understand how to train your body and the means to move with it. The rest takes care of itself.

Once again for the incredibly brainwashed on the long learning curve track:

Takeda made 5 great men who's arts are drastically different from each other.
One of those was Ueshiba

Ueshiba made just a few greats who's arts are....?
drastically different from each other.

I never bought this 20 yr long learning curve stuff, I and others, and their students are living proof of that. All it proves to me is that teachers don't know how to teach or more importantly WHAT to teach.
That's it. Twenty years to get aiki is either incompetence, ignorance, or a lie.
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