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Old 09-09-2008, 07:10 AM   #68
Randy Sexton
Dojo: Aikido of Lake Keowee
Location: South Carolina
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 187
Re: Aikido and kicks

As a 3rd degree in Tae Kwon Do I can tell you a well placed kick can be devastating. However, I believe as an Aikidoka that we should learn how to perform a well placed low and middle height front and side kick but leave the spinning stuff alone unless you have the time to invest. Spinning kicks are extremely powerful, but difficult to control, and easy to take down if you are a well trained Aikidoka. THAT is the weakness in kicking and the strength of Aikido. The kick is a single point of balance with the body in motion and that precarious position is exactly where I want my attacker to be in so I can take his balance and perform my technique.
In taking Ukemi the kick and response must be slow and I would recommend only those who have some experience should be doing it. I cringe when even my Sensei uses me to demonstrate kick defense because one little mistake can be damaging. A fall from waist high straight down onto your hip with the person hanging onto your leg is not where you want to be. Therefore, emphasize letting the person's leg go and Uke should go for the roll not the drop!!

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will"
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