Thread: Chen Bing Clip
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Old 08-21-2008, 10:15 AM   #13
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Chen Bing Clip

Ricky Wood wrote: View Post
Thanks for the response Dan. Usually you just ignore me.
I'm really trying to get a handle on the idea and potential of internal power, thus my many ignorant questions. Please be patient with me.
I was in my younger days a grappler and couldn't agree with you more concerning the difficulty in throwing a well trained grappler. I have however, been thrown quite speedily by other, more skilled grapplers. Almost upon contact. I don't know if it was by internal power or not. I'm guessing you would probably be able to toss me upon contact, hence my question. Are there those that you can toss upon contact and others that take longer to "feel' out?
You've changed so I stopped ignoring you.
Grappling is grappling there are all types of skill levels and rules. Sure I throw allot of people with ease.So what? I just don't think much about it, as I know there are guys who are not going down easy-particularly a few of my own. Then you can start adding punching and kicking. Anyone can get tagged. on the other hand I have a 290 lb. guy who has trained with me for 15 years-very soft, very sensitive and explosive. You can try throwing him, doing push hands or try hitting him etc. ...I'll buy the popcorn.
I remain very level headed when it comes to discussing actual fighting with this type of power. Again, two very different topics. It's why I keep telling folks this training is best looked at to make "you, a better you" in what ever it is you choose to do.
On any other day I'll do wrist-grab, gi-grab, classic mokuroku pretzel logic, one step, waza with ya. I just don't like it much.
Aiki power is universal.

Last edited by DH : 08-21-2008 at 10:22 AM.