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Old 08-18-2008, 11:53 PM   #152
Erick Mead
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Dojo: Big Green Drum (W. Florida Aikikai)
Location: West Florida
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Re: "Aiki" in Russian Video Clips

Dan Austin wrote: View Post
By regurgitating what others have said on the subject you've just proven that all you care about is appearing to be "in the know". Anybody can throw out buzzwords without actually possessing the skills under discussion, and that's you, end of story. Your refusal to take a seat is frankly sad.
Occasionally, I despair of the fact that few people even wish to think for themselves. You seem one of those occasions. No one appears to have instructed you on the martial consequences of rudeness, but you have thoroughly reassured me that one day, likely very soon, someone certainly will. I sincerely hope that you profit from it

Since I am not judging form comments but from what I see based on what I have felt, I'll won't tell you how he does it. I'll show you. Since there are no comments to enlighten you, you may miss it but you can read what I have written and you might figure it out

Dan Austin wrote: View Post
Try looking at 4:33 - 4:36; 4:55-4:57 again at 5:02 - 5:04; 5:35 -5:39; 6:05 -6:08. Of course, the same thing is in EVERYTHING he is doing -- but those are the most emphatic ones you might be able to see. You might even try thinking about what you see. You might even go look up things worth thinking about when you see it and try thinking with those tools in hand. It's amazing how that works.

Dan Austin wrote: View Post
I just don't know the particulars of. Neither do you.
A mind reader, too ?
Dan Austin wrote: View Post
You've never fooled anyone on this point, and your refusal to just say "I don't know how to do it" is at this point effectively lying.
Rudeness is not redeemed by a foolish ignorance, much less a headlong foolish ignorance. For your own sake, please don't lead with the chin when insulting people like that -- it will hurt.


Erick Mead