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Old 08-14-2008, 01:10 AM   #3
Amir Krause
Dojo: Shirokan Dojo / Tel Aviv Israel
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 692
Re: How many dojos are in Israel?

Can you read & write Hebrew ? If you can I can give you a few links (the place to start is the tapuz M.A. forums: Traditional Martial Arts and Martial Arts.

You should also mention how do you count the Dojos:
- Do you count only Aikikai affiliated Dojos?
In the following list ( I counted ~50 such dojos (I found at least two double entries - same teacher with two adjacent places or two teachers in the same place).
Unfortunatly, I am not sure the list is up to date, some dojos might not be active and other new ones might not be listed.

There is a group of Aikido Dojos affliated to ISTA in the following list I counted 11 dojos. I believe Shany indicated she is training there.

I also know of a strong Yoshinkan group of Dojos. In here I found 4 dojos, I believe there should be at least a fifth.

I know of one Shodokan \ Tomiki Aikido Yundasha who recently returned to Israel from Japan. to the best of my knowledge, he did not open a dojo (yet?) .

I practice Korindo Aikido, currently we have 3 active dojos in Israel.

So, in 15 minutes of informed searching I found slightly less then 70 dojos. I believe a real serious search would have brought up at least another 5 if not 10-15 dojos, which are not affiliated to anyone and do not have strong internet representation.

I guess the data base in AikiWeb is still far from complete, I would be particularly careful of relaying on it when looking at non-English speaking countries.

Hope this helps
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