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Old 08-11-2008, 08:47 PM   #94
Lee Salzman
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 406
Re: "Aiki" in Russian Video Clips

Rob Liberti wrote: View Post

Well there are times when I'm all lined up and I have all my intentions working so to speak, than my idea to walk without actually walking also seems to communicate. I don't really understand it all - at least WHY such things seem to communicate - but they do and it's just plain weird!

Again I think the visualization stuff will fade away eventually a bit and the feeling left behind is what will remain while I put my mental focus on the next aspect - like breath (which would be supported by that structured feeling and of course add what I assume would be the next level of power).
Are there any simple examples you can think of that would allow one to replicate this feeling of communicating intention, or is it pretty much a situation where you just need to go feel someone who can do it (which would go back to square #1 - who, where, how, etc. )? Structure is one thing, as I have seen a few ways to handle that, but communicating intention with it in that sense is really alien to me, and I am very curious about it.