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Old 08-11-2008, 06:08 AM   #85
Erick Mead
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Dojo: Big Green Drum (W. Florida Aikikai)
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Re: "Aiki" in Russian Video Clips

Rob Liberti wrote: View Post
Well, I believe that there is some degree of a common experience of:
Let me illustrate by highlighting what you are using as either terms of art or jargon -- which either have been or could be points of contention with other schemes of definition and use.

Rob Liberti wrote: View Post
- maintaining the central equilibrium ... holding their lines of intention ... resist random pushs and/or pulls ... "dissapate stronger pushes ... instant center to center contact. ... communicating [lines of intention]
intention of "up" ... intention to be "down" ... (without changing anything else) ... grounded power ... more "elastic" ... "rigid".
Let nothing go unquestioned. I am quite sure that you understand what you all mean. I won't assume anything about such terms. I won't elaborate on the problems with the above unless you ask me to.

Rob Liberti wrote: View Post
I'm too much of a novice at this stuff to explain it better. But that's kind of my point. If you never even experienced it at all, how can you explain it better?
First of all I don't know that I can explain it better becasue better for one is not better for another. As for myself, I am fairly confident that I have an explanation, it just requires fully examining those conclusions.

As to the rest, I know there are unquestioned assumptions. How do you know what my experience revealed? How do I know that? Just because I haven't experienced THOSE GUYS? You yourself said that your primary teacher has "it", you simply had difficulty observing it in him consistently enough to learn from him. It is therefore in the realm of possibility that others also did, and that people like Dan, like you and others, flock together because your type of perception is similar.

Amdur's hidden in plain sight thesis is exactly the issue. To question what to others seems obvious is deemed mad, and often enough, highly exasperating to those who deal in what everyone agrees on from their "common experience." Hiding in plain sight is by definition something that few others see. Accepting that does not mean that those who have seen have all it perceived it in the same ways.


Erick Mead