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Old 08-04-2008, 09:44 AM   #30
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: "Aiki" in Russian Video Clips

Erick Mead wrote: View Post
And quasi-mechanical trappings are no less subject to abuse. The premise -- of your own paragon Sagawa --is that NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO -- the training of aiki takes at least twenty years. His strong suggestion (if Clear Power is to be believed) that mindful approach to a diligent practice will reveal it, in whole or in part, and once a part is grasped the whole begins to reveal itself to effort and study. Argue with him.
No need. The same guy stated he didn't teach, his student didn't get it, admitted witholding and stated that finally toward the end of his career he started to show how. Viola! What does he say the results were?
People started getting it.
All the rest of the twenty year stuff is more patting us on the head and telling us to eat more rice. I say teach what you were doing in training yourself, and let the chips fall where they may. After all, if it isn't in fact ego, then you would do what I do share openly within my group and show them how to stop me and others, then how to get better. Placing the burden-on them-and challenging me and them.
Iron sharpens iron. Enjoy it.
I think more often than not it is exactly about ego and also protectionism.

Erick Mead wrote: View Post
I take a different tone, because a claim to "save the exploited" (added to the knee-jerk resort to ad hom attack) is a mark of a narcissistic ego typical amongst political animals. People who tell other people how to do things because they have resolved themselves to be better, more talented and well, just darn well more noble than the poor oppressed peonage.
Well to take the tone I mean to convey... I would never engage in a debate over terms and methodology to perform complex gymnastic floor exercises on the net. And that to someone whos never done them. Descriptions would not help one bit.
It's good enough to talk about their existance and where to go to train.

I deleted the comments about debate style. I not only agree with you, I have complimented you many times in both your honesty and willingness. All I am saying is that first-you don't know the material. And second, that its a waste to try and "describe" these things if you don't. No big deal really.

Erick Mead wrote: View Post
highly motivated, competent self-learners who have come as far as they have on their own resources and have reached a the top of a growth curve, as occurs in any endeavor. As with any topped out growth curve ,it requires substantial additional investment and the endurance of actual
I just think that some of those you preach to lost faith at a point because of the natural progression of growth requires periods of no progress or actual regression to foster new growth. People are always impatient of the plow and the seed, and vulnerable to products that will purport to hasten nature ( and may well . But hastened nature is not the same product as steady growth -- ask any lumberman. As long as they continue to tend their patch with diligence and attention, they'll get through it with you or without you -- and how do I know that? Simple -- because they got this far.
Of course this is presuming everyone is trying to learn the same thing, and that it is there in their art and with that teacher to learn.
Hm...I know too many guys who have just encountered this training after 30 or so years in the arts. They were flummoxed. I mean one or two? Okay. Three, four twenty, a hundred? I think it paints a picture both to them and those of us showing things. I think we have heard enough voices stating that there was no way they were going to have figured this out by themselves or by doing kata.

Personally were I you, I'd seriously consider Sagawa's comments out two sides of his mouth, in conjunction with me telling I watched my teacher not teach rooms of people, to Peters new column about the omote of aikido taught outside Japan and the Ura reserved for Japanese teachers. I would take that and review the ICMA which have so many guys who haven't any more clue to developing real power than their Japanese counter parts. And they at least know its there.

Good luck in your training

Last edited by DH : 08-04-2008 at 09:50 AM.