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Old 08-04-2008, 08:27 AM   #29
Erick Mead
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Dojo: Big Green Drum (W. Florida Aikikai)
Location: West Florida
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Re: "Aiki" in Russian Video Clips

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
Ah but Erick, neither I or anyone else is narrowing a definition to any single person or art are they? It's much bigger than that. Which has been the stated view all along. ... I think the sting is that aiki was always a safe bet. It was so etherial and was surrounded by so much cooperative training and quasi religious trappings that it was easy to muddy the waters.
Attaching a demand of physical results to aiki, and the worst of all afronts- that it can tested outside of waza-further still that is has testable martial power and prowess in use- blows the lid of that safe haven.
And quasi-mechanical trappings are no less subject to abuse. The premise -- of your own paragon Sagawa --is that NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO -- the training of aiki takes at least twenty years. His strong suggestion (if Clear Power is to be believed) that mindful approach to a diligent practice will reveal it, in whole or in part, and once a part is grasped the whole begins to reveal itself to effort and study. Argue with him.

I take a different tone, because a claim to "save the exploited" (added to the knee-jerk resort to ad hom attack) is a mark of a narcissistic ego typical amongst political animals. People who tell other people how to do things because they have resolved themselves to be better, more talented and well, just darn well more noble than the poor oppressed peonage.

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
You're making an argument that "you" can describe aiki in universally recognized physics terminology.
No. I am arguing that it can and should be. If it is so described -- then who did it makes no never mind, as the fact is independent of its manner of being revealed. I very likely have many portions more muddled than not in my efforts to digest a HIGHLY non-linear subject into linear terms, and to advance a long-neglected subject area. All I care about is the knowledge and its correctness and in the service of that I am entirely willing to dare and to correct significant conceptual error -- in public. You notably discuss nothing of your actual training process in public. Holding back knowladge is suspect; it ain't nuclear weapons. And you can look that up on the internet anyway, since it takes far more in hard capital and time investment to make it useable any way -- sort of similar, actually.

But the terms I use become steadily clearer by this process. Comparing data to construct and refining the construct to fit the data. It's called science. It may have managed one or two rather more complicated areas of knowledge in its time, but I could well be wrong about that, too.

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
How do you then object that it can also be recognized by an increasing number of people growing aware of it by a universally recognized medium-that being-experience in touch or feel?
Never contested it - nor in the least belittled it. I have been complimentary of Rob's approach to describe the training and the purpose of their training approach -- and because of the relative transparency. I have no problem with it. I have criticized certain persons' demonstrably wrong mechanical explanations and have endured one or two person's competently challenging some minor points in my own. I'm willing to take what I dish out.

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
It is they who are out making their own discoveries and opinions. They come from all types of arts and are looking in all corners to compare their research.
They are highly motivated, competent self-learners who have come as far as they have on their own resources and have reached a the top of a growth curve, as occurs in any endeavor. As with any topped out growth curve ,it requires substantial additional investment and the endurance of actual retrenchment before new growth can begin again. That's the real meaning of "beginner's mind." It's not a mark of fresh vision, but a willingness to faithfully work through a period where little hopeful is seen. One might observe that such people are just vulnerable as beginners to such a pitch -- to save them from that unavoidable dark night -- but day comes again all on its own, if they do not give up.

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
And less it escapes your attention- its been done this way in the arts probably as long as there have been fighting men-for generations. Its how men showed up in Japan and China looking for this or that "guy" they had heard of, from men they trusted or in print.
Yes. And they have so far trounced Western thinking on warfare in the last hundred years, have they? Might do to follow the demonstrably more successful strategy in that regard. The PLAN is not following the naval architectural plan of Zheng He.

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
I think people are happy about discovering they can "do" aiki and have their power grow in a practical and teachable method.
That's good news bud.
Who said it wasn't? I just think that some of those you preach to lost faith at a point because of the natural progression of growth requires periods of no progress or actual regression to foster new growth. People are always impatient of the plow and the seed, and vulnerable to products that will purport to hasten nature ( and may well . But hastened nature is not the same product as steady growth -- ask any lumberman. As long as they continue to tend their patch with diligence and attention, they'll get through it with you or without you -- and how do I know that? Simple -- because they got this far.

Last edited by Erick Mead : 08-04-2008 at 08:39 AM.


Erick Mead