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Old 08-03-2008, 02:11 PM   #25
jennifer paige smith
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Dojo: Confluence Aiki-Dojo / Santa Cruz Sword Club
Location: Santa Cruz
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 1,049
Re: Hikitsuchi Sensei and White Hakama

Matthias K. Kroll wrote: View Post
Thank you for the video,are you living and practising in SHINGU?How is Anno sensei, is he doing fine? Please give my regrads to him.
I went there severeal times and have known Blaize and the americans too from my experience with Hikitsuchi sensei!
Every morning he used to come aupstairs to make a tea for OSENSEI and myself,too.
I would like to go again to SHINGU,tell me your tel no.please!!!
Matthias K.Kroll
Aikikai 3 dan (Kumano Juku)
Oops, I forgot to say, Anno Sensei is doing very well. He was dealing with some health problems a few years back but he was treated by a doctor in our dojo, who offered some 'magical' western remedies to his 'mystical' asian body . After that he was great!
He still farms, he has retired from the paper factory and he also has a couple of grand-daughters who are the apples of his eye and also keep him scrambling.
When here for a visit he taught my kids class and kept laughing and saying , 'they never listen to me. But they listen to you." Well, they don't listen to me either, and I'm pretty sure they do listen to him. But that is Anno Sensei, isn't it?

Being near him is reason enough to train for an entire lifetime!

Jennifer Paige Smith
Confluence Aikido Systems
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