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Old 08-01-2008, 06:17 PM   #328
Dojo: Aunkai, Tokyo
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 591
Re: Aikido™ and Aiki…do. Where are we at?

Mark Murray wrote: View Post

I don't have to have Rob's skill to know that if he joined an aikido class, not many could throw him or get him off balanced. So, then, he either has to purposefully let his balance be taken or be seen as a problem. At some point in their training, Akuzawa, Mike, and Dan had to have come across something like that. What did they do?
Part of it is that Ark was never really affiliated with any organization.
Sure he was part of the "IMA research association" club whatever, but the instructor there pretty much gave him free reign to do whatever he wanted since he was part of their fight team and being coached by the JSDF instructor.

Even when he was in Daitoryu, he spent the first year or so letting himself get tossed around in order to figure out what Sagawa was trying to teach. (beyond basic jin paths etc)

Let's put it this way, going into a place and making yourself hard to throw isn't to difficult, but making yourself hard to throw, while being able to throw others with ease takes a lot of getting yourself dumped on your ass. Not because you're "taking" ukemi for the other guy, but simply because for a while, you'll mess up while trying to use the "other strength" to throw people, and end up getting dumped yourself.

Probably why these chinese said "invest in loss"

Short answer to your question:
Easiest way might be to leave the organization
Or goto a place where doing what you do is acceptable.

Personally I never cared much for ranks or orgs...and come to think of it, none of the guys that taught me and were good ever gave out any ranks
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