Thread: Atemi
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Old 07-26-2008, 02:24 PM   #97
Dojo: West Wind Dojo Santa Monica California
Location: Malibu, California
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,295
Re: Atemi

David Valadez wrote: View Post
Again, my take is that all these formulas, this what I would like to call a "paralysis of analysis," hints that Aikido (generally, overall) just doesn't take seriously the idea of making striking a part of its training curriculum.
So that explains what happens to me when I try to understand some of these posts.

Again, there is a purity to violence which at the practical level defies, may even outright contradict, these attempts to move beyond, "Just hit the f*****."
This is what baffles me about some Aikidoka and the reason why I focus on intent of Uke. If some dude want to flat out f**k you up you better be able to do something about it. Without Martial Awareness of intention and your immediate environment... You're on the floor with someone in the mount beating the crap out of you or a bunch of dudes kicking you in the head. Considering you face these challenges daily I understand your need for purity.

I know for me, my ignorance of "pressure point striking," etc., was a consciously gained ignorance - one chosen early on out of not being drawn to weapons (of any kind) that are overly specialized and/or excessively situationally specific. Because these types of weapons often turn out to not be very useful within the light of "anything goes" - which marks actual self-defense/offense situations.
I understand your reluctance given your job. however it is usful stuff to practice in the sense that is does benefit ones Aikido in how and where to apply pressure and use kuzshuzi (spelling?). The fantasy comes in when people think that with a few years of practice they can become so called "death touch" experts or like Oyata Sensei or some of the members of this board who can hit with Aiki Power. It would take a heck of allot of practice for me to reach that level. Washing the Arm however is something simple and easy to teach and it brings an immediate benefit to ones practice

For me, general Aikido's ventures into striking has been so minimal that contemporary aikidoka are better served to not try and find out what "Aikido striking" is, or even truly was. Additionally, if "Aikido striking" is, or was, solely, or at its "deeper" level, about pressure point striking (or whatever name you'd like to call it), well, that's just one more reason for contemporary aikidoka to let go and move forward.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding you but I respectfully disagree. Remove "Atemi" from Aikido and you are nothing more than an Aiki Bunny.

Here's more videos that I think folks should always see side by side with the other kind thus far shown:
Again I'll use my New York Cop analogy in reverse. There are no doubt a number of frauds and BS artists and they more than likely outnumber the Real Deals but because there are... does that mean all of them are?

I have woken up too many times on the mat and suffered too many deep bruises to believe that. Dan is right. Had I the courage and the focus and the money I would move into Tanaka's or Oyata's or Dan's house!

There are no shortcuts to that kind of power...

For the rest of us...or speaking just for me. I will just do the best I can to keep an open mind and learn to use Atemi with the right intention in our Aikido practice.

Take Care Sempai.

William Hazen

Last edited by Aikibu : 07-26-2008 at 02:29 PM.
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