Thread: Atemi
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Old 07-26-2008, 01:38 PM   #96
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Re: Atemi

Again, my take is that all these formulas, this what I would like to call a "paralysis of analysis," hints that Aikido (generally, overall) just doesn't take seriously the idea of making striking a part of its training curriculum.

Again, there is a purity to violence which at the practical level defies, may even outright contradict, these attempts to move beyond, "Just hit the f*****."

I know for me, my ignorance of "pressure point striking," etc., was a consciously gained ignorance - one chosen early on out of not being drawn to weapons (of any kind) that are overly specialized and/or excessively situationally specific. Because these types of weapons often turn out to not be very useful within the light of "anything goes" - which marks actual self-defense/offense situations.

For me, general Aikido's ventures into striking has been so minimal that contemporary aikidoka are better served to not try and find out what "Aikido striking" is, or even truly was. Additionally, if "Aikido striking" is, or was, solely, or at its "deeper" level, about pressure point striking (or whatever name you'd like to call it), well, that's just one more reason for contemporary aikidoka to let go and move forward.

Here's more videos that I think folks should always see side by side with the other kind thus far shown:

David M. Valadez
Visit our web site for articles and videos. Senshin Center - A Place for Traditional Martial Arts in Santa Barbara.
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