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Old 07-19-2008, 05:50 PM   #9
Dojo: West Wind Dojo Santa Monica California
Location: Malibu, California
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,295
Re: Violence Under the Pretext of Love

Michael Fooks wrote: View Post
I fear this kind of thing is more common than it should be. I used to train with someone who was known for, while demonstrating pins, ignore the tap under the guise of "giving uke a good stretch"
The tap should be absolutely sacrosanct. I know much more about how my body is responding to a pin than you, so when I tap you stop, no question. And as is often the case with these types, it was always so much worse when any kind of audience was watching.

It's weird, on my (and pretty much any) BJJ mat, if there was someone who did not respect the tap it simply wouldn't be tolerated. But I saw it in Aikido enough to disturb me. I wonder what's behind it...
I have sure seen allot of this kind of BS over the years what is behind it is simple... Giant Bloated EGO's in whose "expertise in badassery" would never survive a beat down outside of the Dojo.

When I encounter someone like this my technique to bring it to thier attention is simple... Endure being their Uke and pray they are stupid enough to think they have gotten away with it. I had a senior Yudansha pull that crap on me once because I am a big guy and he thought with my background he could be a little rough with me so he did Kotegashi will all his might and put me on my head and then proceeded to pin me hard to the mat. Since he was a smaller guy and his "mad skillz" did not jell with my Irish Temper; it was hard for him to control the pin. I simply took the opening he gave me and lifted him up, rolled into, and side mounted him. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights. I left the seminar... and a few years later he moved to another country. I heard he was much nicer to his students.

There is no such thing in Aikido as violence under the pretext of love That is the illusion of a few folks sick with Blackbelt disease.

Makes me "angry" to think that There are some A-holes out there abusing folks behind that pseudo-pretext.

William Hazen

On a side note Ellis is a Very Tall guy and I have found that big or tall guys suffer from the illusions of others that because they are big they can take allot more physical abuse because if it works on them it will work on anybody. Sadly for them we both get to take turns and 99% of the time they take my gentle suggestion that I too can suffer pain.

Last edited by Aikibu : 07-19-2008 at 05:59 PM.
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