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Old 07-07-2008, 07:47 PM   #3
Chris Parkerson
Dojo: Academy of the Martial Arts
Location: ohio
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 740
Re: Making Kote Gaeshi Work - With Resistance

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
If uke's structure is better, no angle will change the outcome -- it won't work. Resistance is for those who don't have good structure, and if they don't have good structure, then kotegaeshi will work. Changing an angle is just jujutsu. yeah, it'll work for those resisting (see above sentence). But come into contact with someone who has structure and angles don't matter.

Reread Ellis Amdur's post here on AikiWeb about Tomiki holding his hand out to judo players. No amount of angles will work on someone who has structure, or as some people call it -- aiki.

Want to make kotegaeshi work with resistance -- work on having better structure/aiki.
I can appreciate the development of structure as well as the use of geometric angles. But no single study is the final cat's meow in performing Aiki-type techniques. What ever happened to the old adage , "give me a lever long enough and I can move the world?"
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