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Old 06-25-2008, 12:35 PM   #138
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Aikido™ and Aiki…do. Where are we at?

Hi Ron
Actually when Ellis finally shamed me into opening my door-you were one of the first ones allowed in. His sentiments were simple but profound (I hate that about him)
"Instead of criticizing and pointing out their failings- how about making a difference and helping. You just may find another you; sincere, hard working, and doggedly determined to get it."
I decided, if was going to do it, I would at least do it as best as I can manage with my life as it is.
So even though you are right that maybe only 5% will get it in the end, There are obviously many who are looking.
Just a few short years ago, here on this board, few believed we knew something that could be taught "outside' of aikido that was, all along, the power at the very heart of making aiki exist. Further that it could be gotten much faster than, doing kata for twenty years hoping to get there.
So, and here's where I nail you...don't bail on me now. I opened the door and decided to help. There is now and going to be more in the near future more in aikido who want to work on aiki. They need to hear from you, then may want to train with you. There are (pretend I'm Ellis, I can neither talk or write like him) "more sincere, hard working, and doggedly determined...Ron Tisdales out trying to get it."
I remember a certain guy asking me to come train and being turned away something like a dozen times over ten years. until Ellis got me drunk and started all this trouble.
When the time comes-give back.

Last edited by DH : 06-25-2008 at 12:43 PM.
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