Thread: Hand Forms
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Old 06-20-2008, 08:45 PM   #37
mathewjgano's Avatar
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Re: Hand Forms

Rob Liberti wrote: View Post
Some folks swear by hand forms.
Others say they are a foolish distraction.
I think there are level of understanding at play.

What hand forms do you all use say for shomenuchi kotegaeshi? I'm interested in other techniques as well, and how you decide. (if you use them at all)

I'm not 100% sure I understand what you're getting is hand form any less important than elbow, spine, etc. form? It's important whenever the hand is used, which to some extent is always, isn't it?
Sensei Barrish has mentioned the Tora no Kuchi (tiger's mouth) shape of the hand used in Japanese archery as being a useful shape to consider. The shape as I understand it has the ulna and radius stacked vertically...basically imagine the feeling of drawing a tight bow (which is oriented vertically), the hand holding the bow is the Tora no Kuchi hand. That hand is quite relaxed because the back hand holds the bow into the palm by drawing on the string. The feeling is that the thumb and fingers kind of roll around the shaft of the bow and it's similar to the shape your hand would probably take if you tried to grab someone's adam's apple.
I have seen him describe this shape a lot when describing how to raise the tegatana for shomen uchi. My sense of it is that it helps creates a very powerfully vertical shape to the hand and forearm portion of the posture and that it's this quality Sensei Barrish is focusing on, but I'm guessing.

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