Thread: Hand Forms
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Old 06-20-2008, 06:05 AM   #22
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,996
Re: Hand Forms

Rob Liberti wrote: View Post
Agreed. Lets discuss shomenuchi kotegaeshi (or any other one would be fine).

If the person attacks with with right arm, I tend to enter and pivot (as if I'm doing iriminage) - keeping vertical main with my spine. Then I would typically use my right hand palm up laying across their forearm giving them a bit of my body weight. My left hand would be between their shoulder and elbow palm on them. That arm would move be bending as I moved closer to them, and then I'd let my body weight start hitting them using that palm as a natural energy release of that movement (same as the hand on their neck for iriminage) except I'd let it slide down their arm a bit to get into kotegaeshi position. Then I roll that hand so more weight is on their arm nearer my thumb than my pinky as I continue to move into shikaku. When I roll back (move body weight neared my pink than thumb) I cut their center with my intention. I don't pay much attention to what my right hand is doing at that point. It's not cranking anything for darn sure. It just barely touches their finger tips usually. But I'm open to suggestions.

Maybe initial palm up should be replaced with wrist up, fingers down. Looking for inspiration..

How do I meet Howei Popkin? Does he do seminars?

First, let me ask you about shomenuchi kotegaeshi. IF you think that hand forms matter in technique, then you'd also believe that you *need* a hand to do this technique. So, someone that lost a hand could never do aikido, right? Or let's say someone lost four fingers. They'd never be able to complete techniques? How does someone who believes that they need hand forms rationalize aikido for physically challenged people (people that have lost a hand or both)?

As for Howard ... he's closer to you than he is to me. And you should look for his next seminar. Great guy, great teacher. Definitely worth meeting and knowing.
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