Thread: Red Belt...
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Old 05-27-2008, 01:06 PM   #2
John Connolly
Dojo: NYC Icho Ryu
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 80
Re: Red Belt...

Urgh. What a waste of ten bucks. It's an example of David Mamet's (and I'm a big fan of his) worst efforts... a hackneyed, rehashed con plot and excessively one dimensional characters that just seem to go through the motions, rather than act like real people. Throw in an end based on some kind of macho father-son bonding wish fulfillment fantasy and a lot of malarky about honor. Even the fight choreography was silly. I went with my wife, and almost spent the rest of the night apologizing to her...

But, to each their own. I'd wait for video at the least.

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