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Old 05-15-2008, 08:27 AM   #98
Michael Hackett
Dojo: Kenshinkan Dojo (Aikido of North County) Vista, CA
Location: Oceanside, California
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 1,253
Re: Starting an all-women's class

A friend of mine, a female nidan karateka, teaches at a local dojo and noticed that few women were attending classes for any period of time. She now teaches a "cardio-kickboxing" class a few times a week and it is mostly attended (at least from what I've seen) by women, although a few men work out with her too. That seems to have been a successful introduction to open classes. I've noted a fairly equal demographic when I've visited the regular karate classes. Their school seems to be a fairly rough 'n tumble school with quite a bit of throwing and joint locks in addition to the kata training and kicking and punching stuff karate folks do.

"Leave the gun. Bring the cannoli."
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