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Old 05-10-2008, 11:49 PM   #53
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 495
Re: Fight does not work at all in Aikido.

Most people today train in things like executive boxing, tae bo, cardio boxing, etc. There are many benefits they gain from that type of training like fitness, stress relief, socialization, etc Maybe even some level of skill. However I do not consider that to be actual boxing or kickboxing because they are not put in situations that test themselves martially, which requires a different type of resolve and commitment.
A lot of aikido training today is much the same.
We all train for different reasons. In my opinion, that's what is great about aikido.
But personally I do often consider if we can call it ‘aikido' if we do not practice it as a martial art, first and foremost. Some teachers have moved away from the more martial aspects of aikido, and that it fine. Maybe O'Sensei did not emphasize the martial aspects as much later in his life. But O'Sensei did have a great appreciation of life and of the human connection (I believe) because he was a martial artist in the truest sense for most of his early life.
Yamada Sensei has said its ‘time to put the harm back in harmony' (I love that line)
And Takeguchi Sensei always asks ‘does it make sense martially'…
I don't consider either one of them violent men by any stretch yet I consider their training to be martial. I also can't recall them spending a great deal of time discussing philosophy or spirituality in any overt form on the mat.
In the end everyone must find their own path.

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