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Old 05-08-2008, 08:17 AM   #4
Dojo: Aikido of Central New York
Location: Cortland, NY
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 1,006
Re: Fight does not work at all in Aikido.

Mary Eastland wrote: View Post
There! I said it out loud for all to hear.

I scratch my head over all the talk about fighting and seems like another planet.

Have most people who train in Aikido "to not fight" gone underground...Are you still out there????
Are you afraid to write because of the trends of real fighting and active resistance.

If people want to fight ...why don't you fight?

Come out...come out wherever you are...I know that there are tons of people here who train in Aikido and are not the least bit interested in fighting.

Let's talk about how we don't find any fighting in Aikido.
Let's talk about how we meet oursleves and become the whole person we are meant to be.
Let's talk about the joy of training.
How fabulous it is to really connect with wonderful it feels to take ukemi at 50 years beautiful it looks to see a 64 year old tiny woman throw a really big man even if it wouldn't work on the street.

Let's blend and communicate and enjoy the flow.

Well, I think it depends on the context. Saying "Aikido is not about fighting" has one meaning when you've pinned someone from another system to the floor and they can't move. It has a completely different meaning when you'vegot a black eye and a broken nose and somene from another system is standing over you.

However, at the end of the day, the reason I do Aikido is .... I love it! As sweaty as it can be sometimes, Aikido leaves me with a good feeling inside. It's not the first art I did and not the only art I do, but it may be the one I like the most. Hey, I might be an Aikido addict.
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