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Old 05-04-2008, 05:19 PM   #18
Nick P.
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Dojo: Sukagawa Aikido Club of Montreal
Location: Montreal
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 641
Re: Questionable Content

Here is an interesting question; for everyone attending a seminar that is being filmed, has you waiver form included the same type authorization that the guest sensei would give for him/her being caught on film? If not, why not? After all, all the same reasons they have for not wanting to lose control over the material equally stand for all those attending. And you PAID money to be there.

I completely agree that teachers have a right to make a living, modest or otherwise, sharing what they have learned. I think the desire of the student to have a keepsake or reminder of that particular experience can also be, somehow, accommodated. Especially if there is no video or pictures of that session that can be purchased afterwards. I for one would gladly pay for a video or album profesionnaly or semi-profesionnaly produced that I know would be not only benefiting the sensei but would help build an archive that all could purchase.

I think that books and videos (legally acquired or otherwise) will never replace hands-on training with the teacher; in fact, the plethora of books and videos of the current doshu help reinforce my resolve to attend on of his seminars. Yes, obtaining those books and videos illegally would be taking money out of his pockets, no question (all of mine are ethically obtained). But even if they obtained by piracy, I dont think anyone could reasonable claim "I saw 45 minutes of his <insert name here>-seminar so not only did I save x-dollars by not going to the seminar, but I also "got" everything he taught." If someone does think that they are deluding themselves.

Rambling = off. Thanks.

Edited to include: What about, say, me bloging what I experienced at today's seminar? Or me discussing it with a third party who was not in attendance? If I say "so-and-so did that" and it is completly false, or I have said the same thing but included a video, who or what are you going to believe is the truth; what I say along with a snippet of video, or what you experience when you actually attend one of the teacher's seminars?

Last edited by Nick P. : 05-04-2008 at 05:25 PM.

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