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Old 04-28-2008, 03:24 PM   #26
Walter Martindale
Location: Edmonton, AB
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 802
Re: exercises for wrist strengthening?

I know I've posted this before in response to a similar question.
Low tech, cheap, doesn't require fancy bits of rubber with holes punched in them or a monk tapping a laquered wood bell.

wrist rollups. stick, rope long enough to reach floor to shoulders, weight (the weight can be a tin can full of stones that you've attached to the rope with some wire coat-hanger.

Tie one end of the rope to the middle of the stick - perhaps a 30 cm long piece of jo, bokken, or hockey stick. If necessary drill a hole and tie it there, but do that. At the other end of the rope, tie the weight.
Hold the stick in both hands at shoulder height. roll the stick so the weight comes up to the stick, roll back down, and roll it up the other way.

This will strengthen the forearm muscles. It's very inexpensive, very low tech, unexciting, old fashioned, not "martial" but it will strengthen the forearm muscles AND probably the work of strengthening the forearm muscles may strengthen the tendons crossing the wrist, causing your wrists to appear to be stronger.
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