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Old 04-27-2008, 07:51 PM   #110
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 244
Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Kevin Leavitt wrote: View Post
Joseph wrote: if I told you I as a ass kicking U.S. Army Infantry Airborne Ranger trained in 50 different ways to kill a man with bullets, knifes, and empty hand...then that would qualify me to be able to judge you martially?

Just seem to ignore my question I asked early concerning self defense. I assume you dismissed them as not interesting or not relevant to the conversation....

But since we are now dropping occupations as a qualification or judgement of a man's abilities, skills, knowledge or character....

My personal view is that any man that "puts a roof over his family's head and food on their table is a "success" and a real man in my book.

So how do we determine who is real is real and who is not? If they have not accomplished the above, we are left with the following when it comes to real marital arts:

1) technique: Can the teacher fight. Can he beat
99% of those who walk in his doors. With his hands,
with his mind, with a telephone or pencil and paper;
can he take out his opponents?

2) conceptual: Can he apply his "success and
prosperity" in the ring, to his life. In other words,
does he put food on the table and a roof over the
heads of his family? Can he excel in his career? Is
he an expert in other areas? (e.g. the best flower
arranger, the best ditch digger, the best checker

3) spiritual: Does he lead his life in the big and
the small? Is there contentment and the desire to
achieve, managed and balanced all throughout his life.
Does he see death as the natural progression of life?
Today, sadly "mastery" is a popularity contest. If
you get enough backers, who buy into "your" story, you
are dubbed a master. As such, I judge a person by the
generalized parameters set forth above.

You sir, I respect as a father, a husband, and as a leader of men.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola
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