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Old 04-26-2008, 10:17 PM   #221
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 950
Re: Very Disturbing news about Clint George

Ricky Wood wrote: View Post
A question for all:
If Clint were your sensei, would you continue that relationship at this point in time?
It is a no brainer for me, Of course not if he has crossed the line with a child. Clint not beingJapanese, but an American who was rased and brought up in America is judged up against the American morals, ethics and values, a.k.a character. Character is the number one quality for anyone leading others in anything.

If the appropriate behavior and character of a person isn't exercised in a leadership position, that person has forfeited their right to leader.

Why apply compassion to Clint George? I am not Osensei, Dali Lama, Buddha, Jesus, or enlightened. In my book compassion isn't a get out of jail free card. It doesn't let someone off the hook. It means not going out and stoning that person. It means having consideration such as, a fair trial instead of getting a lynch mob together. It is understanding the consequences and what some one is going to go through because of their actions. I am not mean. Compassion for means that.

If he has fallen, he will suffer the concequences of his actions. That doesn't mean I would be nasty to him. But, he would not continue to be my sensei. I wouldn't follow him as my character is different.
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