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Old 04-23-2008, 07:48 PM   #17
Chris Parkerson
Dojo: Academy of the Martial Arts
Location: ohio
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 740
Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Robert John wrote: View Post
Fighting is a different story though, using advanced body skills under pressure is a whole study onto itself

Good to connect with you again. As the old addage says, "Who can be calm until the first blow is struck?"

The path of relaxation is a road less travelled. It often takes someone skilled in wae-gong to really make use of nei-gong.

But, I do believe that intent and a bit of soft relaxed motion trumps fa-jing. Momentum can be developed in a variety of ways. I have tight hips but I can blast someone with my own style of generating momentum. In reality, it is my intention that is doing 90% of the work.

There are a variety of ailments that can hinder the 101A structure study. A club foot, fused disks in the spine, scoliosis, amputations, etc. Yet, each challenged body can find a way to develop internal power.

What say you??
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