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Old 04-04-2008, 05:47 AM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,996
Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Jim McCoy wrote: View Post
This thought is something that has been bouncing around in my head for some time. It came to surface again, triggered by a thread on a Yoshinkan board.

The thread described a seminar by a senior teacher who demonstrated a technique where atleast 2 uke picked him up. He then began to project his ki downward ("made himself heavy" as I call it). The uke could no longer hold him up and fell themselves. As was discussed in that thread, this type of thing is not generally taught in Yoshinkan.

It does appear to be something carried over from Daito Ryu. I have seen Okamoto Sensei do similar things in his DVD.

This is generally described as being a "secret technique". Which is something that will be taght only to very advanced seniors who have been training for a very long tim.

I haven't tried this exact technique yet, but I will soon. I think that with only 2 uke I can probably make it work based on things that I learned in Taichi.

My thought is that, in a number of cases, the "secret techniques" and "advanced principles" of Aikido and Daito Ryu such as this, are often found in the more fundamental teachings of Taichi.

Which makes me wonder why some still use the term "secret technique". It's not a very goo dsecrete if it's the foundation of an art that millions of people outside of your school are practicing.
Yes, there is a youtube of Okamoto sensei doing this very thing. Only he has quite a few uke under him.

It's not really that far fetched to think that some Yoshinkan people are doing this. After all, Shioda studied Daito ryu under two teachers and this is something that you see in Daito ryu.

The reason, IMO, that it's called secret is because they are working with "aiki" as taught by Takeda down through his students. And Takeda told them not to teach it to everyone. Takeda was tough and scary. I really don't think his students wanted to upset him all that much, so they did what they were told. Hence, secret and advanced.

If you find it in taichi, that's great. Personally, I think it's not commonly taught in taichi either. But, that's just my opinion.

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