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Old 05-10-2002, 09:13 PM   #18
Location: Indonesia
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 245
If you get the chance, grab your cheap Ontario machete, go to the backyard, and take out some weeds. Yes, it's definitely not the same thing as performing tameshigiri with a shinken, but you'll get a few ideas about blade angle (hasuji) by the sound the machete makes when going through a plant, and by the resulting cut. Please exercise a reasonable amount of caution doing this. Might get your backyard cleared up, too...

Let me add a small nit here...I don't believe a groove makes a sword stronger; it'll make a sword stronger in comparison to a blade of the same mass is all. Take two identical swords, groove one, and the one without the groove will be stronger. Anyway, not the most important thing...

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