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Old 03-20-2008, 05:09 PM   #13
ayu cicada
ayu cicada's Avatar
Dojo: Traditional Aikido Philippines (Dento Iwama Ryu)
Location: Manila
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 5
Re: a bump in the road....

It is true that there are many factors causing one not to attend or let's say miss aikido practice. But walking out from a senior aikidoka specially non-Dan is a big boo-boo on an Aikidoka's spiritual understanding of The Way. This is an ego-issue within practioners which is a normal thing in a normal world. However, this should be avoided and needs to be eventually discarded in serious practioners, both physical and spiritual, as our dojo is regarded a special place, much to the Art itsel. It is not a convenience store where one has the luxury to pick anything they want, not a beach where one can display georgeous abs. So to say, it is a place where ego should not be displayed.

As long as one continues to dig deep in the true nature of his/her enrolling Aikido and refine his views and practice, there would be very minimal problems like this in the future. Aikido teaches humility. Aikido develops discipline among practitioners. If these virtues do not show up in one's tenure in Aikido, then he is not on the right track.

My work also happens to take a lot of my time as most people in my dojo. Making me atten Keiko once a week.Too bad. However, I see to it that I have atleast 10 minutes of my time doing bokken everyday. I remember my Sensei to do it to improve my stance. It did. I also do my jo exercises every Sunday at the Park after my 3K run. I don't care if some people look at me strangely while I do 31 Jo Kata in the corner of the park. Just like Jonathan Hay, maybe someone would walk up to me one day and ask what I was doing.
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