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Old 03-18-2008, 11:59 PM   #67
Dojo: West Wind Dojo Santa Monica California
Location: Malibu, California
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,295
Re: Very Disturbing news about Clint George

Keith Larman wrote: View Post
Well, geez, here I was getting mentally prepared to type up a long missive about moral relativism, headhunters, eating the heart of enemies, and the practice in some asian cultures of killing female children... But Mr. Amdur has covered it quite well...

As we evolve, become more civilized, and spend more time considering the consequences of our actions I would hope we have become more aware of issues of damages we do to each other through our actions, deceits, conceits and ignorance. There is clear evidence of damage done to children in modern society by abuse. Heck, William's very honest post also shows a young man that was literally a perfect candidate for exploitation. And while it might have filled a void for him, her choices in how she could have helped were many. But she chose a particular path, an evil path. And if I'm reading the story correctly ("tendancy to "bond" with male students"), it may not have been the only time she'd acted in such a way. Do you think she "helped" all these boys? Maybe William feels it helped him in retrospect considering the magnitude of problems faced at the same time. Lesser of evils? However, this sort of scenario is all-too-common in these cases. A kid who needs a parental figure. A kid who is missing out on love and guidance. And a person who sees that, comes in, gets close, and takes it someplace else entirely. Taking advantage of an opening... With a child.

It is wrong.
Thanks for the post...This issue to me brings to mind a few films in popular culture which have tried to explore this particular "bond" and strike a chord with me personally.

Harold and Maude
Gloria (The John Cassavettes version the better of the two)
The Professional.

Each film towed right up to the line of a possible physical relationship between an adult and a child as a byproduct of a bond both of them pursue and the adults innate desire to perform a greater good by protecting a child not his/her own.

They never cross that line...That (as Ellis points out) is a taboo meme.

I was lucky in the my Teachers desire to nuture protect and take care of me stood in stark contrast to her failure to honor that taboo.

I know nothing about Clint George other than he apparently failed too..a flaw in his charactor? A byproduct of his own physical abuse as a child? A sex addict? Who knows?

I will pray for him and her.

I hope I am not rambling to you good folks but in my heart of hearts this is what an Aiki Community Feels and Looks like and I am greatful to be a part of it.

William Hazen
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