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Old 05-09-2002, 03:57 PM   #6
Dojo: Pärnu Aikidoclub Singitai
Location: Pärnu, Estonia
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 322
Sorry... Brian I guess I sounded a bit bitter... anyhow just for the record - I have been in a knifefight once, got out luckily.
And I think the avoidance thing I mean... everyone knows that...

I am more interested in your tantojutsu part Because I just don't know much about that - our knife techniques have been just modifications of others.

And to get the feel of the knifefight from a little different perspective - grab waterproof markers, put on some old white T-Shirts and go on oneanother.

I have tried that - and guess what - there where very little attack/defence situations where one came out "uncarved". It was rather both or none. Just the fact that you wanted to point out...


P.S. Knife is not actually a good weapon for an aikidoka 'cause it's more offensive than defensive. I like spray gas better - better range and the effect is more sure.
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