Thread: AAA vs AWA
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Old 02-20-2008, 12:38 PM   #7
Jorge Garcia
Dojo: Shudokan School of Aikido
Location: Houston
Join Date: Jun 2001
Posts: 608
Re: AAA vs AWA

Julie Wilson wrote: View Post
Thank you! I realize organizations split for difference of opinion and not necessarily due to anything 'bad.' I was hoping that was the case! But yes the dojo I have my son signed up for is with AWA and the Sensei seems very knowlegable and competent. I just felt like I had to make sure. It's so hard to know certain things unless you're very involved
FYI my son was THRILLED with his first'd have thought we took him to Disneyland...I hope this joy and enthusiasm continues - while it requires a lot of dedication I feel that martial arts offers a lot to the development of a person, and I truly feel that it will be highly beneficial to the emotional/pysical development of my son.
We just had a wonderful seminar with the leader of the AWA, Andrew Sato Sensei. The dojo was full every day and there was lots of great energy on the mat. I deeply appreciate Sato Sensei because he is very much an ordinary person with no "airs" about him and he is all about Aikido. The Shudokan Aikido Association and the Aikido World Alliance worked together in Aiki friendship on this event. I highly recommend his group to you as a wonderful group to be in.

Jorge Garcia
Shudokan Aikido Association

"It is the philosophy that gives meaning to the method of training."
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