Thread: Dojo Etiquette
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Old 02-09-2008, 04:39 PM   #3
Angela Dunn
Dojo: Hartlepool/Peterlee/Billingham
Location: Hartlepool,UK
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 69
Re: Dojo Etiquette

Hyia Elaine...

I was wondering how you where getting on!

I think you know what happens in our organisation already and I am sure it is all a bit strange and will take a bit of getting used to. I suppose though different dojo, different rules and you just have to learn to adapt and get on with it. If your struggling though is there not a friendly higher grade you can ask about with regards to where your supposed to sit and other different quirks?

As for different ways of learning the same technique, did you not find when over in not so Sunny England people had different ways of showing you how to do a method and you just adapted the way that suited you best. Okay maybe not different ways but had there own little hints and tips.
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