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Old 05-02-2002, 07:29 AM   #16
Brian Vickery
Dojo: Aiki-Buken Aikido
Location: Gilbert, Arizona
Join Date: Jul 2000
Posts: 208
Re: Peyton Quinn

Originally posted by George S. Ledyard

Unlike a lot of the so-called "real world" folks who pooh pooh Aikido, Peyton is very positive about it's effectiveness.
Hello Ledyard Sensei,

I found Peyton to be one of the most interesting martial artisits that I've EVER talked to. He & I had many conversations, one of them going pretty late, in which everyone else had long since turned in. Then in the morning, while I was enjoying the morning sun & breeze on the porch, he came out and joined me (with a glass of OJ for me), and we continued the discussion. He truly respects aikido and loves dicussing some of the deeper aspects of the art and it's philosophy.

...I actually began to feel guilty due to all the extra attention he gave me throughout the weekend. I guess we just 'clicked'!


Brian Vickery

"The highest level of technique to achieve is that of having NO technique!"
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