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Old 02-02-2008, 07:52 PM   #183
mathewjgano's Avatar
Dojo: Tsubaki Kannagara Jinja Aikidojo; Himeji Shodokan Dojo
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Re: Why do some people hate Aikido?

Joseph Madden wrote: View Post
Some of the aspects of aikido that I dislike.

1. Egotism-If u don't believe it exists in your dojo, you've taken to many hits to the head. I can't speak for all schools of the art but at my dojo we definitely have some who believe their Elvis (I know, he practiced Karate, but go along with the analogy).

2. Lack of competition- I think this is something that needs to change.

3. This "idea" that aikido is a samurai art and is therefore at the top in the heap in the martial arts. Bull@#$%

1. Egotism is everywhere humans are. The more comfortable people get with their chosen activities, it seems the more egotistical they get too (eg-I've seen it in every activity I've taken part in, from paintball to chess). Do you think this is exceptionally present in the Aikido world?

2. I don't think it needs to change. I think if number one were less of a human condition, this would be less of a problem.

3. This is really just number one all over again isn't it? I've never actually met anyone I know of who thinks Aikido is the "top" martial art except in a very relative/personal sense. I've seen lots of posts on places like youtube which express this kind of thing, but I usually get the sense they're very young...and usually I see this coming from non-Aikidoka more often.

If I had to pick something I dislike about "Aikido," I'd say it was the subtle nature of its movements, but then again they challenge me and that's only a good thing. Any other things I dislike aren't Aikido traits, they're human ones which can be found far as I can tell. To my mind this doesn't really say much about Aikido beyond the fact that it's simply not for everyone.

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