Thread: Chinkon Kishin
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:19 PM   #79
Dojo: Aunkai, Tokyo
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 591
Re: Chinkon Kishin

Blake Holtzen wrote: View Post
Fight!, Fight!, Fight!

In all seriousness though, perhaps we could quit the (polite) mudslinging and discuss Chinkon Kishin and related trainings.

My question, as an aikido noob, is what makes Chinkon Kishin special? My background is in CMA and I have been exposed to several different qigongs, which makes me wonder, is Chinkon Kishin any different or any better?

My inexperienced eyes tell me that Chinkon Kishin has more religious significance than martial significance. Is this what some people think led to Osensei's internal power? Some rowing exercises, balance shifting, and deep breathing? Would it be a faux pas to say that Osensei's appears to have poor structural alignment when he performs this?

Regardless, What are other people's experiences with Chinkon Kishin or any other type of qigong/jibengong?

Take Care all

Structural alignment is only a stage I think.
Once you develop a certain amount of conditioning you can transmit power even with poor "structural alignment."
Anyways, its pretty easy to see Ueshiba's power releases in some of the flicks out there on the web. That being said, don't discount that he may have been doing things sloppy for the camera
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