Thread: Cross-Training
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Old 04-28-2002, 11:27 PM   #1
Dojo: SWT Aikido Club; SJC Aikido Club
Location: San Marcos, Tx ; Pearland, Tx
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 10

I was wondering how many of you cross-trained in other arts. I have spent a little time in American Karate and what we called Korean Tae Kwon Do. It was really a combined martial art with its base in TKD. It also included elements of Spetsnaz (a Russian art, I think), Jujutsu, and Aikido. Having not studied any of these other arts I could not tell if my instructor was being true to these systems or not. I could not have cared less either, I had a good time and it was what I was looking for at the time, very technique and practicality driven.
That experience got me interested in Aikido. Now that I have studied Aikido for a little while, I think my teacher either had very little experience in Aikido or practiced a very different style than what I have since been exposed to. But that's neither here nor there.

My point is that I found Aikido through another art. Does anyone else have a similar story? Or a completely different story that involves cross-training?
Also, Does anyone here cross-train in Aikido and Capoeira? Capoeira looks like loads of fun and a great work out. I would especially love to hear a response from any Aikidoka/Capoeirista.

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