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Old 11-12-2007, 06:01 PM   #1
"Confused Aikidoka"
IP Hash: 48edb473
Anonymous User
Confused......need some advice

I wasn't sure how to ask this so I figured doing it anonymously would probably be the best thing to do. This might be a slightly touchy subject and honestly I'm a little afraid but its bothering me. I was at a Seminar recently and had the opportunity to practice with a great many people to include some high ranking individuals, 4th and 6th Dans. Well while practicing things were great, and after practice while folding my Hakama near these Sensei they asked me why I was wearing a white belt. I informed them that i was only a 4th Kyu. They inquired as to how long I had practiced. I told them 9 years. They just kind of stood there looking at my like I had blue hair. The one Sensei (6th dan) said ohh thats not right something needs to be done about that I thought you were at least Shodan. When they inquired why I was only a 4th Kyu they asked if I didn't want to test, i told them no I want to test I want to get my Shodan one day. They just looked even more puzzled. I told them about my first testing not occurring till I had practiced for 5 years. They just did not understand this. When they approached my Sensei about it, his response was my ego was too large to allow me to test. I said yes when I was 18 and 19 I'm sure I had an ego, but I would hope that now at 27 it would have gone. To which my Sensei agreed that it had. This 6th Dan then during Dinner mentioned to the Shihan during a conversation that my rank was such and such and was entirely too low. *ugh* He shook his head yes either in agreement or out of politeness I'm not sure.

Well this again happened during the last keiko session this time it was a 4th Dan who also said the same sort of things as the 6th dan. But he said something in addition. He said that I should ask someone of higher rank (4th,5th 6th dan) to please evaluate and test me for the rank they believe I am at. He said that I should not be afraid to ask for rank and that it is something that is important especially as you get older and wish to have your own dojo.

Well as you can imagine this whole issue has been kind of weighing on my mind. I'm not really sure what to do if anything about it. I'm leaving my current Dojo in about a month to go to Graduate School and will be joining a new dojo in my new home. The new sensei has also said something to me along the same lines as the previous two sensei did (6th and 4th Dan). (the 6th dan is his former Sensei infact ). So the question is, how should I approach this since now it is in my mind that I've been held back for either good or bad. Should I ask to be "evaluated" and "tested" by my new Sensei (2nd Dan) or should I just let things unfold and not worry about them? Any insight you could give me would be wonderful I'm needing those of you who have the clarity of thought that I don't have right now to please help me sort this out.

Confused Aikidoka
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