Thread: Aiki Doh's
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Old 10-30-2007, 11:15 PM   #107
Erik Jögimar
Dojo: Linköping Budo club
Location: Motala
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 42
Re: Aiki Doh's

Grant McDaid wrote: View Post
The second week of the new semester this year (2nd year of uni) was when I discovered that getting to my Aikido class (in the west end of Glasgow, approx an hour away from home by various modes of transport) was MURDER, fortunatley my parents were going part of the way (dad was going to the big match that was on - causing more hastle for part of my route...) so start off late... ten minutes into the journey - Grant realises he's forgot his weapons - too late now, have to keep going, but that's ok..

I buy water from a shop, go to put it in my bag on the subway... no Gi top, now have a problem. Got to the dojo, explain to my sensei and he tells me I can come on with my T-shirt (had gi bottoms) I'm a student, Wednesday is an early start I chuck on what comes to hand - I was wearing a spoof T-shirt, with Ozzie on the front, blood dripping from his face as he holds a decapitated bat, giving a one fingered salute to the world ... thank God the class was small.....

I would've gone with a white Tshirt, but hey that's just me


Just give me your wrist!
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