Thread: Ogawa Ryu ?
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Old 09-29-2007, 07:26 AM   #21
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Ogawa Ryu ?

Budd Yuhasz wrote: View Post
Hi Dan,

Agreed on some things being black and white - on a case by case basis (who says budo isn't full of contradictions?)
Hi big guy
But more and more people today wouldn't even get the joke. "Case by case" as a qualifier for lying, at least for me, is part and parcel to the situational ethics and the acceptance of lying I was talking about. I reject it. If we sat and yakked a bit I could outline a few personal experiences. Including some rather hilarious, and easy to unravel lies from Budo teachers. Were one to really get down to it lying reveals personality flaws. Why lie?
And greed breeds dishonesty in many forms. As Sinclair wrote “It’s hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding.”
But, in the end, as I said, a lie is still a lie. There is no grey area, only the social contract that offers cultural support for individual or group lying. Something which simply warns to me to hold my own council and trust no one involved. And as that Student I mentioned stated- he didn't want to be involved witth budo people who find that behaviour acceptable. Budo folks should also consider another form of lying. Paying your money to be taught, only to find out you were not in fact being taught. Or in other cases not being taught equally.
Were are not Chinese, we are not Japanese, And just because we "understand" a thing doesn't mean we need to embrace it either.
Here in the states for many folks in business, measuring honesty in a person is NOT a compliment. They consider it a measure of Naivet'e or innocence. I've even heard it described as ignorant! In some circles morphing and massaging the truth is not only acceptable- the art of it is considered admirable. But there is a better way, and involves even more skill. And I have seen decisions made based on a reading of character and the sense of trust.
Everyone decides on their own.
These kids here would have been better off-they would probably even receive compliments- had they just been open about combining things. I mean really, most people are still impressed with a stupid jointlock, so there isn't even a need to add a history to it.

Last edited by DH : 09-29-2007 at 07:32 AM.
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