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Old 09-28-2007, 12:12 PM   #9
Marie Noelle Fequiere
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Dojo: Atibon Aikido, Port Au Prince, Haiti
Location: Port au Prince
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 295
Wink Re: Hand-Washing Dogi

I do not have a washing machine, so I always hand wash my gi. It's time consuming, but this is what works for me:
When I arrive at home after the class, I carefully examine the gi and I use liquid detergent to pre-wash any spot, as well as all vulnerable areas, like the inside of the collar, and the hems of both the top and the pants, and I let it stay for at least fifteen minutes. Then, I put it in a bucket with more detergent, water, and a few drops of clorox. I leave it there for a few hours. Then when I come to shower, I put the bucket in the bathtub with me, and I use a small brush to remove any remaining spot. I also systematically brush all the vulnerable areas. Then, I rinse, and I shower. After that, I hang to dry.
I understand that all this process may take too much time for someone who is travelling and needs to hurry, but it's worth trying, by letting the uniform spend less time in the bucket, for example.

Last edited by Marie Noelle Fequiere : 09-28-2007 at 12:13 PM. Reason: Spelling
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