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Old 09-05-2007, 01:15 PM   #256
Location: Indiana
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,311
Re: What technique would you apply to neutralize Brazilian Jujitsu attacker

Graham Wild wrote: View Post
Hopefully we know about the scientific method (if not they didn't, they do now ) But my point was you don't go out drop a brick and a feather and say, heavy things fall faster than light thing because that is what you observe. Especially when Galileo has already proved that this Greek notion is wrong. We should always start by learning the lessons of those who came before us. Then we will develop past them.

I said you may be the person that would say the negative comment about me saying I could handle a BJJer. I don't know you so I can't say you're that person. You say you aren't, so I believe you. But then Darin said,

So someone somewhere at some point will say it.

Like I said before, the best method to deal with a BJJer is to knock him out with one strike! But obviously without the training you will never succeed. Could a karateka do it? I would love to see Kanazawa in his prime have to defend himself against a BJJer on the street. It would be interesting to see. Kanazawa has the sort of spirit you would expect to be successful, with the goods to back it up.

If you want a sure fire method, that will be more of a struggle, and will take longer to do, and will require you to have a similar strength fitness and ability, take him to the ground and beat him at his game. This is how I would do it, after lunching a knee at his face if he shoots, or my elbow to his chin, if he is standing. Maybe it will connect, and maybe he will go down. But at least it will help me when we are on the floor, since he has to deal with his dislocated jaw or his broken nose, maybe.

Talented people can make a sport work for them. But the principle in Yoseikan is mutual welfare and prosperity. Those who will fail with the sport method are then left behind, and this creates an unbalance in society. An unbalanced society will lead to social problems. Hence a training method that is suitable for all is better.

Judo also has the same goal of mutual welfare and benefit. However, the training methods are not designed for everyone. My fear is that like the "No child left behind Act" in the Unites States, targeting a training method everyone can do means watering down your training to the lowest ability level of the group. When students couldn't pass the tests in high school, to keep funding schools made the tests easier. Without exclusion, you see the same in martial arts.

That is NOT to say some people should no train. Everyone should train, however, people need to realize they will not always succeed. Not everyone will get a black belt, or even get past their white belt. The encouragement should be to train, everyone can train, even if its only for 5 minutes at the level most judo and bjj clubs train at. The training is for everyone, just everyone might not be successful at it.

In regards to the scientific method, the martial arts are not an exact science. In fact most of our proofs have never been recreated. There is not a single person in aikido today who can do what Ueshiba did. To me this means one of three things.
a) aikdoka of today are training wrong on purpose for some reason.
b) Ueshiba was a poor teacher and did not teach what he knew.
c) The stories were not true.

Unlike the feather and the brick, we can not reproduce what Ueshiba was able to do. I can quickly test the feather and brick and find they fall at the same speeds and grow on it. I can quickly test the effectiveness of an armbar and grow on it. But the metaphysical subjects that I am questioning can not be tested. They are more like philosophy or psychology. There is no proof or right answer, unlike an armbar. Also my personal testing in both types of training environments has proven to me there is something lacking in non-sport training that I think is dearly important. This is in direct conflict with Ueshiba. Who is right? Me, Him, probably both. It is not disrespectful to challenge him. I doubt he even cares.

Someone asks if hard ground would change the way I do takedowns. The short answer is no, my takedowns work the same no matter how hard the ground is, you are my landing mat. Squishy human is soft no matter if its concrete or a bed of nails.

- Don
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" - Albert Einstein
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