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Old 08-30-2007, 05:13 PM   #18
Ecosamurai's Avatar
Dojo: Takagashira Dojo
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 570
United Kingdom
Re: What happened to the kiai and breath training?

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
So assuming that energy is neither created nor destroyed during such a kiai (i.e., there must be an energetic bookkeeping balance between cause and effect), how would you suggest these things happen? Sound? Sound plus some accompanying phenomena (if so, what?)? Seismic activity? An "unseen, unknowable energy" (remember that in the real universe, energy out does not exceed energy in)?

Frankly, I've seen instructors wave their hands and students fall over, but I don't know of any instance in which the energy equations were overcome. So I always suggest that people do a realistic analysis, statics or incremental analyses, etc., before they go chasing unicorns.


Mike Sigman
Mot sure what all the fuss about kiai is. As far as I'm concerned it's just a way of emphasizing correct breathing with sound. If you practice extensive breathing exercises sounding them is kind of optional IMHO.

The only difference I have noted with regards to kiai practice and Ki-style breathing exercises is that kiai give me a slightly sore throat after a particularly vigorous training session.

We don't use kiai in our aikido but when I started kendo not so long ago they are obviously used. I found that my ki-breathing exercises worked just fine and it took little effort to adjust to making a sound when doing so (other than getting over the self consciousness of doing something I wasn't used to). I noticed one interesting thing however, when utilizing kiai in kendo my arms and body in general tended to tense up, once I spotted that however I managed to move past it and learn to do 'proper' kiai from the hara which don't result in you tensing up in your arms for example. So I suppose the logic of not using kiai works if it encourages tension. But as with all things it's down to the teacher and the way in which it's taught I suppose.

As far as the question you raise Mike, I think the effect on an uke is psychological, if they're not used to having someone scream at the top of their lungs into their face it can be quite shocking (perhaps a reason it isn't practiced much in aikido dojo?). However once you get used to that it doesn't really bother you.



PS - Love that you don't know who Will Reed is, kinda puts your self-professed knowledge of ki soc methods into perspective....just having a gentle dig at you, don't take it too seriously. But I kind of get the impression that if you knew as much about Tohei style mind and body development as you often seem to say you do then you'd know who he was He's a 7th dan (I think) in the Ki Society, though I heard recently he'd left and was spending time training with Koretoshi Maruyama now, take that with a pinch of salt as grapevines aren't exactly reliable.

"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."
-Martin Luther King Jr
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