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Old 04-14-2002, 08:25 PM   #7
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 890
Re: Does aikido train the mind?

Originally posted by Kat.C
I have tried to write this question about ten times now but can't seem to word it right It might be a little long but just bear with me please.
I experienced fear and shock when I was attacked and just panicked and put up a rather useless struggle. I did not have any martial arts training at the time but even if I had would it have done me any good? I wonder if even when I have achieved a high level of skill(if I ever do) would it really help if I ever needed those skills? Will aikido just train my body or would it train my mind too so that I would be able to work through the fear and avoid the panic? Or would I need to train my mind in another way?
Or would my body just react despite what my mind is doing? Does anyone know or have an idea?
Good question.

You need to recognize the andrenal dump for what it is, and have some techniques that are going to work when all you have left is a good ol' tunnel vision and gross motor skills.

Realistic self-defense schools replicate real-life scenarios for a good reason - to get you used to this chemical reaction which occurs as you decide whether to fight or flight ... to deal with it and still be able to fight.

Aikido does not teach that. How to stay calm and/or to deal with the ensuing chemical changes in your body, remains up to you.
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